Keto Diet & Exercise (Crossfit), Bodybuilding for Women w/ Amanda Milliquet, ND

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Dr. Amanda Milliquet discusses tips to exercise and perform at your best while keeping the carbs low.

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--------------------------------------Key Takeaways----------------------------------

02:08 Dr. Milliquet’s Journey:  Lifestyle medicine is what drew her to naturopathic medicine, as opposed to traditional medicine. She has a background as an athlete.
05:21 Her Practice Focus: Often patients come to Dr. Milliquet with chronic injuries. She does acupuncture and dry needling for the pain, but also works on the “why”.  
07:00 Magnesium Deficiency: Calcium and magnesium compete for absorption. Stress, even from working out, depletes magnesium.
11:22 Strengthening the Rhomboids: Stretching both the major and minor pectoral muscles is the first step.
14:43 Sleep: Turn off your screens at least 1 hour before bed.
18:00 Foam Rolling: Dr. Milliquet finds foam rolling to be very valuable. Cushy rollers are not helpful. If you aren’t in pain, you are not doing much.
19:06 Decreasing Inflammation: Fish oil supplements and eat a healthy diet help to fight inflammation. Happiness is a huge part of health.
21:20 CrossFit Carry-Over:
25:02 Fat Loss: If you want to lose weight, you need to lift heavy weights.
28:36 Deadlifts: Use you hamstrings for deadlifts. Romanian deadlifts are good. For engaging the glutes, the Russian Kettlebell Swing is best.
37:05 Muscle Building Tips for Women: Push yourself to the limit, creating muscle fiber damage so it comes back stronger. Make sure that you are eating enough protein.
38:46 Dr. Milliquet’s Favorite Nutrient: German chamomile (matricaria) is her favorite herb. It is a calming tea.
39:48 Dr. Milliquet’s Morning Routine:
45:15 Dr. Milliquiet’s Elevator Pitch:

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A Simple But Fast Way To Lose Fat After 30, 40, 50 and Above
When you are losing weight you should always include a weight loss regime. If you are not properly motivated to continue your fitness routine, you are more likely to give it up before it has the chance to begin working. Exercise can be fun if you know how to make it entertaining. Below are several tips to help you out.

Turn up the volume when you workout. When you are lacking in motivation you may want to turn on your favorite music and play it loudly. Your body will react to the beat and start moving to it. Dancing appeals to us on a primal level. Let your body go! When you have fun, you will exercise better. You won't notice that you've worked out for an hour if you're enjoying listening to music while you do it.

Ask one or a few friends to workout with you. Exercising with someone else will make it more fun, and you'll notice the time go by a lot faster. When you pay more attention to your buddies than your aching muscles, this distraction will allow you to keep exercising.

There are a lot of new ways to take boring exercise and turn it into something fun, including video games that are built around working out. When you get your exercise by playing a game, you are far more likely to focus on the fun than on the exercise. This will help you have more energy and enable you to finish easier. You will also be less likely to stop your workouts.

Go shopping for exercise clothes. Find exercise clothes that will you look and feel good when you put them on. Have fun when you're choosing your outfits. Exercise clothing is made in lots of different styles and colors, so there are lots of ways to express your personality! You will be more industrious with your workout when you like what you are wearing.

Switch the order of your routines or do something entirely differently to avoid becoming bored. It is important to introduce new ways to exercise into your routine to avoid from getting bored. Keep your spirits up. If you lose interest in your exercise program, then that could lead to quitting. Once you stop, it becomes a whole lot more difficult to restart.

Once you have accomplished your goal, treat yourself. When you give yourself a reward, it does not have to be too big or grand. Small, simple rewards can be equally effective. When you are going to reward yourself buy yourself something you want. Find something that you really want to do, but have not done in awhile. Pick a reward that you will actually enjoy for motivation because it will work better that way!

Working out isn't something most people consider fun, but a good exercise session can be very entertaining. Keeping your workout fun, fresh and exciting is as big a key as any to maintaining a successful fitness plan. Read the tips in this article to get some ideas on how to have fun when exercising.

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