Hundred Pilates Exercise - Kristi Cooper

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Muscle Focus: Abdominals and muscles of respiration.

Objective: Strengthen abdominals, stabilize Powerhouse, and increase breath control.

Start Position: Lie flat on the Mat with legs together. Exhale as you curl your head and shoulders up, lift and hover arms off the Mat, and float both legs off the Mat to desired height.

Movement: Begin to pump your arms. Inhale for five arm pumps and exhale for five arm pumps.

Precautions: The abdominals stay drawn into the Mat, keeping the back flat and stable on the Mat. The neck stays in line with the spine as one unit.

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When you don't have the necessary motivation, you're doomed to scrap your fitness plans. It is common to lack the necessary spark, or be confused about how to get started. Using these tips you can get on your way to a fitness workout that works for you.

A good song can do wonders to get you moving. No can resist moving their feet to a catchy beat or singing along to their favorite tunes. Not having music in your workout is almost a crime. Turn on your favorite songs, and start moving! The rhythms will put the pep in your step that you need to keep going.

When you are about to exercise, have a friend join you. When you get together with your friends to exercise, you will have more fun, and it will go by quickly. Talking to friends will keep your mind off of the hard work you are doing.

If you buy a video game system that you can play games on that involve working out at the same time, it will help you enjoy your exercise routine. Numerous video games exist that will assist you in your weight loss goals. By emphasizing fun activities in your exercise regime, you forget you are beginning to tire and spend more building up your body!

A great way to motivate yourself in exercising is to buy some workout clothes that you look and feel good wearing. If you put on grungy, unremarkable exercise clothing, you will not feel energized and motivated for a positive workout. If you have great looking exercise clothes, you will want to go to the gym to show them off.

If your workout regimen does not incorporate variety, you are likely to lose interest quickly. Overcome boredom to guarantee success. Always incorporate new and exciting exercises into your routine. If you are kept captivated by your routines, you will stay motivated longer. It is important to keep motivating yourself with your exercise routine. If you stop, starting again can be very difficult.

A reward is a great way to keep yourself motivated to reach your fitness goals. Your reward can be something simple like getting a manicure or buying a new outfit. Just make it something that you will really want, and one that will motivate you to keep moving forward. It doesn't have to be especially extravagant. Just a small token to reward you for your success can motivate you to persevere.

Working out should feel more like a reward than a punishment. If your workouts are more fun, you will be more motivated. These easy tips will help you have fun while exercising.

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