FUPA | How To Treat, Workout, Manage, and Eliminate Pannus

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FUPA | How To Treat, Manage and Eliminate Pannus

Fupa comes on different shapes and sizes and on both male and female. They are easy to get and sometimes hard to get rid of. In this video follow me for some fupa tips that will help you burn calories and keep you informed on how to prevent this from happening.

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Nathen Mixon
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Chicago IL 60617


1. Plank – The plank is severely underrated. Simply go into push up position, with your but not above your shoulders, nor under your elbows. A perfect plank position, you will look like a stiff board. You can also do with with your elbows on the ground. Take the help of your forearms and toes to support your body’s weight but ensure that your body is straight at all times.

Now, remain still in this position for 60 seconds. Try to increase the duration for 15 seconds more with every passing week. Perform this exercise 2 to 3 times daily.

2. Mountain Climbers – Lie down on the floor, face down. The knees should touch the ground and arms kept straight. Now, slowly rise upwards, taking on a push up position where your legs remain in the same line as your body.

Move the left leg in the direction of the left hand so that your lower abs feels the pressure. When done take the left leg to the normal position and perform the same exercise with the right leg. Do 2 to 3 sets of 20 repetitions each for best results.

3. Pelvic Thrusts – Lie down on the floor while facing the ceiling. Bend your knees and keep the feet absolutely flat. The arms will remain on your sides and palms facing the floor. Tighten the abdominal muscles and lift up the buttocks with the help of your heels.
African American woman on scale

4. Reverse Crunches – Lie down on the floor, facing the ceiling. Keep both your hands behind the head. Bend your knees
to make them perpendicular to the floor. Now pull in both the knees together towards the chest while tightening the abdominal muscles.

Extra content
This phenomenon is most common with men and women that has unwilling embraced obesity in there pubic area. A lot of women who have gone through pregnancy have concerns about this as well

FUPA are considered unhealthy but they are not all bad giving the fact it does provide cushion for the pushing.

On the other hand it can get in the way with you maybe with keeping your pants closed comfortably and it could hang lower than a pregnant ants stomach leaving you private parts never to be seen again.

Typical Causes of FUPA include: Harolds Chicken, McDonalds, Garrots Popcorn, Lack of exercise, playing games like Call of Duty, World of WarCraft, Eating ice cream and binging on Netfix daily, Eating food at every pot luck. Drowning your sorrows in alcohol. Sitting in front of your desk for 8 hours eating snack cakes. frequently celebrating with friends by constantly eating out at restaurants.

Some of our top scientist have yet to find a cure because they too suffer from FUPA and are too lazy to do research

Don’t give your hopes up, I GOT YOU

Its actually pretty simple to reduce your FUPA. The first thing you have to is stay active. Most people with FUPA are lazy so do something active and that’s fine. You can perform daily task to reduce the effects, it just may take a lot of time

Working out might be out of the question for you so try these simple methods.

Don’t take the escalator. take the stairs
Don’t park close to the store park the furthest away.
Don’t shop with a shopping cart. Carry your groceries in your hand so you don’t buy all that bullshit
take your dog for a walk
Take my dog for a walk
Sleep No longer than 8 hours
Don’t buy fast food and make your own food and don’t over eat. Save some for tomorrow.

If you want workout follow me for the best FUPA workouts.

Mountain Climbers
Flutter Kicks
Pelvic Thrust

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Often times, failure is the result of a lack of proper motivation. If you know how to exercise and keep it entertaining it can be enjoyable. This article details some tips to help you.

Play some of your favorite tunes while exercising. Dancing is a wonderful way to get up and get moving. Working out to music is like dancing, which can make it more enjoyable. This will help you to quit thinking about how tired you feel so you can have more fun. When you use music with your exercise routine, it will keep you going for that much longer.

Invite some friends to exercise with you. Working out is a great time to catch up on the latest news. Having a friend to talk to will take your mind off the workout. Engaging in an interesting discussion is a great diversion. Involving your friends can make your exercise legitimately fun!

Workout video games can be a great weight loss tool. Doing this will help you to have a good time instead of worrying about the workout. When you are having fun, you are not going to pay attention to the fact that you are tired. Therefore, you will be able to work out for longer.

Buy a comfortable workout outfit to ensure you are motivated and confident in your workout routine. With so many different options to choose from, finding workout clothing that you like is easy. You might be surprised at all the selections there are to chose from. This can be a great motivator for you to keep going when you can fit into that cute outfit you have been eying for a while.

Make an effort to change the elements of your workout frequently in order to keep your enthusiasm level high. It is easy to stop exercising if you get bored. Keep your routines interesting and fun by switching everything around occasionally. Keeping your workouts enjoyable will keep you motivated and allow you to continue working out, instead of losing steam because of boredom and stopping.

When you achieve a fitness goal, be sure to give yourself a reward. Giving yourself small rewards is a wonderful way to help motivate yourself. Choose a reward for yourself that will help motivate you into reaching your goals. Go buy yourself a new dress or that new book for your Kindle.

Working out is not a punishment and should not be viewed as one! If you can make it fun, you will be excited to do it. Try this simple ideas to put some excitement into your exercise!

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