Straight-Legged vs. Regular Deadlifts With Dumbbells : Exercises Using Dumbbells

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Straight-legged and regular deadlifts with dumbbells both have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Learn about the straight-legged versus regular deadlifts with dumbbells with help from a fitness competitor and expert in this free video clip.

Expert: Emily Jones
Bio: Emily Jones was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, where she grew up around sports and fitness at an early age.
Filmmaker: Shane Reitzammer

Series Description: When it comes to full-body exercises, you will soon realize just how important dumbbells actually are to various techniques. Find out about full-body exercises that use dumbbells in various ways with help from a fitness competitor and expert in this free video series.

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If there is one thing you should add to your weight loss plan it's exercise. To stay on track, people need outside motivation. If you look hard enough you can find exercise that is fun to do. Below are some excellent ideas to help you begin.

Try working out with some music playing. If you have not done this before, it can be very motivating. One of the biggest advantages of music is that it makes you feel great. Music not only keeps you motivated, it also gives you an obvious rhythm to work out to. You will find you can have fun exercising when you have the music to help keep your mind off of the work you are doing.

Working out is more fun if you can get some of your pals to do it with you. Pleasant conversation can make a long work out session fly by. You will be enjoying the time exercising instead of focusing on how much you hate it. When you have little time to keep up with your friends, working out together can be a great way to catch up with each other. When you are having fun with friends, it can be fun to exercise.

One of the most interesting developments in the weight loss industry over the past few years is video game workouts. You will often lose yourself in the challenge and enjoyment of the game and forget that your initial purpose was actually exercise. If you are having a fun, it is easy to get the exercise you need, without worrying about boredom or frustration.

Buy an outfit that makes you feel good and look great. Even though you may not think of workout clothes as stylish, there are many choices that can make you look fashionable when working out. You might be surprised at all the selections there are to chose from. There are times when the cute outfit alone is enough motivation to get you working out for the day!

Prevent yourself from falling into a rut caused by completing the same routine on a daily basis. Boredom is one of the top reasons that people abandon their exercise routines and quit their fitness regimens entirely. If you keep switching things up, you will not get bored as easily. Try new routines or switch up your music. Keep your eyes open for new workouts that you can try.

Rewarding yourself on your journey is a great way to stay motivated. You are not required to wait until you have reached your final goal to celebrate your accomplishments. Take care when selecting a treat. Make your reward simple and affordable. New clothing, jewelry or even just a dessert you have not eaten in a while are great examples of how to treat yourself. Make your reward a reasonable one. The more enticing a reward is, the more likely you will be to strive for it.

You don't have to find exercising monotonous or boring. If you keep a positive attitude, you'll find plenty of ways to keep your workouts entertaining. Use these ideas to improve your mindset and start on your path to success.

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