Single Straight Leg Stretch (aka Scissors) - Cadillac Abs Series with Arm Springs (3 of 5)

8:47 PM The Bitcoinist 0 Comments

Lesley Logan, author of Profitable Pilates, teaches the Pilates exercise 'Single Straight Leg Stretch' (aka Scissors) from the 'Abs Series with Arm Springs' on the Cadillac at Westwood Pilates studio in Los Angeles, California. Subscribe for weekly videos. Find out more on her book at

Single Straight Leg Stretch with Arms Springs on the Cadillac is an intermediate Pilates Exercise. Set up about a hands distance from the edge of the mat. One spring in each hand. Knees into your chest. The further you are away from the edge of the mat the harder it is to curl up. Reach your arms straight up to the ceiling and curl as you press your straight arms to the mat. Straighten both legs to the ceiling lower one leg towards a high diagonal. Switch. Repeat

Reps: 10x each leg


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Fine Tune the Exercise: Press your pinky side of your hand into the hand to get more into your upper back muscles. Curl up to the tips of your shoulder blades.

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Ab Series with Springs:
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There are a lot of obstacles to fitness success, from a lack of know-how to a lack of commitment. Read on to learn about ways you can make exercise and fitness more enjoyable so you will stick with it and see the results you want to see.

You've probably seen toddlers try dancing for the first time. It is a natural instinct for humans to move when they hear music. Listening to music is a great way to enjoy yourself while working out. Music is great because it can keep you moving if you are tired.

If there is someone else you know that, like you, is considering weight loss, try buddying up on your efforts. The two of you can keep track of your progress, and it is fun to have someone to exercise with. When friends come to work out with you it goes faster. You will look forward to the time spent together and, in the process, keep the momentum high and your weight loss program on track.

Think about a workout video game as a way to exercise. If you are focused the game you are playing, it will be easier to forget that you are actually exercising. You won't feel tired because you are immersed in the exercise. Since you are playing the game and having fun, you will working out longer than normal.

Get clothes that make you look athletic and sexy. Dressing for success in weight loss follows the same formula as when you are trying to get a new job. Weight loss clothing can help you feel more committed to exercising. If you buy clothes that are designed for working out, your exercise routine will be easier and more enjoyable, making the clothing well worth the expense.

When you do the same exercise routines over and over, it is not difficult to become bored. If your habitual exercise routine has become boring, it is likely to lead to neglect rather than success. Always incorporate new and exciting exercises into your routine. When you keep your interest high in exercising, you will remain motivated. Losing interest in your workout routine, is bound to lead to thoughts of quitting. Quitting makes it all that much harder to start exercising again.

Rewarding yourself for weight loss goals can help keep you motivated. You are not required to wait until you have reached your final goal to celebrate your accomplishments. Make sure the reward you choose is indulgent, even if it's simple. Small rewards like forbidden food, new clothes, or a pair of earrings will be more than enough to keep you motivated. Make your reward a reasonable one. Being enthusiastic and keeping your motivation flowing will help you reach your goals.

People never feel bad after exercising, right? The toughest part is to get yourself up and to the gym and to realize that exercising is not a chore but can, in fact, be pretty fun. There are so many different things you can do to have exercise be fun and not work. Apply this advice to make your workout routine more fun.

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