5 Yoga Poses to Strengthen your Back

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Here are 5 back yoga exercises that help prevent back pain, eliminate back fat and strengthen the condition of your back. Practice daily or at least 3-4 times a week for best results.

1. Cat-Cow Variation – Reduces stiffness in the back and hips and relieves tension in the spine.

Cow Pose – On your hands and knees, inhale and lift your head while making your back concave.

Cat Pose – On your exhale; tuck your tailbone, contract abs, and round your back, head down.

Child’s Pose – Draw your hips back to your heels, drop chest, rounding spine, and rest your forehead on the floor with your arms in front of you. Do 6 reps of the whole cycle. Rest in Child’s Pose for several breaths.

2. Bridge Pose – Stretches the abs, hips, quads, lower back and strengthens the abs.

-Lie face up with your feet on the floor about 6 inches from your butt with arms by sides, palms down.
-Inhaling, press into your feet and lift your lower body until your knees form a diagonal with your head.
-As you exhale, contract your abs and slowly lower your spine.
-Do 6 reps.

3. Extended Leg Pose – Stretches the hamstrings & strengthens the abs.

-Lie face up with your knees bent, feet on the floor, and take 3 breaths.
-A. Exhale and hug left knee to your chest.
-B. Inhaling, extend left leg over hip. Exhaling, hug it in. Do 3 reps.
-Hug knee in, then lower your foot. Switch sides and repeat.
-Exhale and hug both knees to chest for 3 breaths.

4. Butterfly Pose – Tones abs, pelvic floor and inner thighs.
- A. Lie faceup with your soles of feet together, knees open to the sides. Inhale.
- B. Exhale and slowly squeeze thighs together. Do 6 reps.
- Do 6 more times, taking twice as long to bring your thighs together.

5. Cobra Leg Lift – Strengthens the back and pelvic muscles.

-Lie facedown with your elbows by your sides and hands by your shoulders.
-Rest forehead on the floor with your chin tucked slightly.
-Inhale and lift your chest using your back muscles.
-At the same time, lift your right leg as high as you can while keeping your pelvis level.
-Hold, then exhale to lower.
-Switch sides and repeat.
-Do 6 reps, alternating sides, lifting your leg a little higher each time.

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Unfortunately a lot of people do not set goals. There are many ways for you to make exercising more exciting. Here are some tips and ideas to get you started in the right direction.

Even babies cannot resist the beat of the music. Music naturally inspires people to move to the rhythm and the beat. Because of this, music is a powerful tool to use during your workouts. Good music just has an irresistible way of making you move to the groove!

Try to exercise with a group of friends. This time can be used to converse and find out what's been happening lately. Having a friend to talk to will take your mind off the workout. It's easy to be distracted from tedious exercise when you are engaged in a good chat. Working out with friends is more fun than you might think.

Exercise video games are a fun way to add some energy to your workout. This will help turn your thoughts to playing the game and away from the exercises that you have to do. When you are having fun while working out you are not usually paying attention to how tired you are. This will allow you to work out for much longer.

If you feel flattered by your workout attire, you are more likely to workout. They come in many colors and can be fun to wear! Create unique, attractive, fun outfits for yourself that will add to your enjoyment of exercise.

You will get tired of doing a similar workout every single day. You are more likely to avoid working out if you find it tedious and boring. To keep yourself more motivated, try to change your workout routine on a regular basis. Motivation is a key element for maintaining your exercise plan. If you quit for even a few days, it can be hard to build up that momentum again.

Reward yourself when you are doing the right things. A reward provides the motivation you will need to complete the next step of your journey. Reward yourself by indulging in that dessert you've been tempted by, or splurging on new workout items.

Despite what it's called, working out doesn't always have to be work; it can be fun, too! Follow the advice in this article to make your workouts fun and exciting!

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