Scissors Pilates Exercise - Meredith Rogers

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Muscle Focus: Abdominals and hips.
Objective: Abdominal, shoulder, and hip strength, and hip flexibility.

Start Position: Lie on your back. Bend both knees in, and roll through your spine, reaching both legs straight and parallel to the floor, and bending the knees in towards your chest. Place hands high on back.

Movement: Reach both legs to the ceiling. Lower one straight leg to the mat as you draw the opposite straight leg towards your chest. Pulse the top leg towards you two times, and switch legs.

Precautions: Maintain the alignment of the elbows in front of the shoulders and underneath the pelvis. Keep pelvis lifted and stable as legs change.

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By adding exercise to your weight loss plan, you will be able to lose the weight much more quickly. However, if you lack the motivation to stick to your exercise routine, you're likely to falter and eventually stop working out completely. If you look hard enough you can find exercise that is fun to do. Below are several tips to help you out.

Play some of your favorite tunes while exercising. Playing music is a great way to get in motion, because your body instinctively wants to sway and groove to the beat. Most people love dancing, and if you exercise with music turned on it can feel just like that. Music can enhance your workout and keep your mind off what you are doing. Working out to music can keep you active for a little longer.

You can easily become bored when you are working out, but you should find ways to make it fun. Try to make your workout time into an opportunity to socialize. Take walks on your lunch breaks or at the gym with some friends. Friends can boost your workout routine through adding conversation and fun to the mix. An exercise session with a friend just might be so much fun, that you want it to last even longer than it does!

You may want to consider using a workout video game. These interactive workouts are a great way for you to focus on the fun of the exercise instead of on its physical demands. Since you are focused on the video game, you will forget about being tired. When you are distracted, you do not feel as tired and are free to keep on working out.

Wearing exercise clothes that are flattering to your body help with motivation. They are a blast to wear, and there are so many styles from which you can choose. Use your imagination and personal style when choosing an exercise outfit. This way, you will feel comfortable and motivated to work out.

When your work out is too repetitive it is easy to bore yourself. It is important to include variety in your workout routine, otherwise you will feel bored. If you change your exercise routine frequently, you will enjoy the time more. This will make exercising interesting and help you to stay motivated. Keeping up your exercise routine even when you feel discourage or unmotivated is important. It makes it much harder to get back into a good exercise routine once you quit.

When you meet a weight loss goal, you should reward yourself. The thought of a little reward is the ideal thing to offer motivation. You can use little rewards for yourself. They don't need to be large purchases; anything that will keep you motivated is worth it. Go buy yourself a new dress or that new book for your Kindle.

Exercising is typically seen as boring and difficult, but this is a misconception! There are plenty of ways to make it enjoyable. These suggestions will turn your workouts into an enjoyable routine that you anticipate each week.

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