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Cabs Done Right (Coming Soon!) --

00:21 -- Step 1 - Rewrite your story! Before you step foot into a gym, check your beliefs. Get rid of your limiting beliefs and embrace your higher self! You're as strong and healthy as you think you are. Thoughts are things.

01:08 -- Step 2 - Stand with dignity! Fixing your posture will help you get the most out of your workouts. Posture is the foundation for a healthy, pain free, functional body and mind. Working out with bad posture is like riding a bicycle with a bent tire. Fix your tires for a smooth ride!

02:01 - Step 3 - Learn and practice the basics. Don't feel the need to go super heavy. Learning the form of exercises with just your body weight is crucial. This is when your brain builds new neural pathways, makes muscular connections to the exercises, and is akin to laying the bricks of your house down. Don't lay down sloppy bricks. Doing poor form, heavy weight exercises leads to a broken down house (aka injuries and not getting much from the exercises)

02:09 -- Squats
02:17 -- A tool you can use to teach yourself proper squat form
02:27 -- Why it's important that women squat with their feet wider than him distance

02:46 -- Pull-ups, how to use that weird, circular band you might see lying around your gym to do assisted pullups

04:05 -- Push-ups
04:18 -- How a broom stick can help with your pushup form

05:09 -- My thoughts on jogging as a main form of exercise
06:24 -- Rowing Machine, and why it can be better for beginners than the treadmill.
06:45 -- How to use the rowing machine (it's NOT just an upper body machine. Don't forget to use your legs!)

07:44 -- Why having a "nice butt" is actually good for your health, posture, & metabolism.
08:14 -- The Glute Bridge, a perfect exercise for beginners. This wakes up the posterior chain, and helps correct the imbalances caused by sitting for extended periods of time.

09:23 -- Carbs done right will be out soon! Thanks for your patience.

Thank you so much for spending your time with me today.
Much Love!

Thank you to Chicago Fit Life in Wheeling for letting us use your gym! It's an amazing gym, with a hilarious staff

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When you are losing weight you should always include a weight loss regime. However, a lot of people lose interest and stop exercising altogether when they are not properly motivated. Exercise can be fun if you learn the right ways to do it. Below are several tips to help you out.

Get in the groove by listening to some good music! Exercising to music is the perfect motivator when you need a little kick start. One you hear the rhythm, your body will begin to move with it. Jut let go, and let your body get into it! Allow yourself to let loose. If you aren't busy tracking how much longer you have left in the workout, you may even spend more time exercising than you originally intended.

Ask family and friends if they are interested in working out with you. Working out with a weight loss buddy has added benefits. You get to track each other's progress together, and you both have someone to talk to when working out. Working out when you are with a friend feels much easier and more relaxed. Losing track of what you are doing will make your workout go more quickly.

Video games that utilize your body as the controller can be both fun and surprisingly good as a work out. There are a ton of fitness video games on the market. Make exercising fun and you will be able to workout longer more easily.

Find and purchase exercise clothes that flatter your figure. Dressing for success in weight loss follows the same formula as when you are trying to get a new job. Weight loss clothing can help you feel more committed to exercising. By selecting quality workout gear from the store, you may spend a bit more money but will end up with a product that makes exercising easier and more enjoyable.

Doing the same workout routine all the time will result in boredom and dissatisfaction. Keeping your workout fun and exciting will motivate you to stick to it and not give up. Changing around the exercises that you do will keep you interested and give you the motivation that you need. You want to keep your interest in your exercising so you don't quit. It can be a struggle to start again if you stop, even if it's only a short break.

Rewarding yourself for making progress is an excellent way to stay motivated as you work toward your fitness goals. Your reward can be something simple like getting a manicure or buying a new outfit. Just make it something that you will really want, and one that will motivate you to keep moving forward. It doesn't have to be especially extravagant. All you really need is just a little bit of recognition for the hard work to keep you going.

Despite what it's called, working out doesn't always have to be work; it can be fun, too! The following article is filled with creative ideas to help you devise a personal workout plan that is fun and engaging from start to finish.

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