"The Reach" Arc (Step) Barrel Exercise

11:49 PM The Bitcoinist 0 Comments

Pilates move "The Reach" is demonstrated on the arc barrel (AKA - step barrel, spine corrector, etc.) by Amber Payne.
The Reach-

-Spine flexibility
-Ab strength
-Opens up the thoracic region

Performing the exercise:
1. Exhale, engage abdominals
2. Curl torso back, roll down one vertebrae at a time, articulating the spine; until the torso is extended over the barrel.
3. Inhale, exhale and roll up. Returning to the start position by reversing the spinal articulation

Variation 1: When rolling down, lift the arms overhead to stretch in the extended position over the barrel. Roll up as normal.

Variation 2: Exercise performed with both arms and legs extended and reaching out. Arms reaching in different directions, "swim" and switch reaching arms. Roll up.

-Articulate (or roll) through the spine, one vertebrae at a time
-Keep the shoulders and neck relaxed
-Ground and stabilize the pelvis
-Engage the pelvic floor
-Roll up back up sequentially, one vertebrae at a time

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The reason most people fail in their attempt to get fit is not because of inadequate workout methods or dieting techniques. Usually the lack of motivation or knowledge is what keeps people from reaching their goal. The secret to committing to getting fit is finding a way to enjoy your workouts.

Turn your love of heavy rock and head banging into a workout. When you are lacking in motivation you may want to turn on your favorite music and play it loudly. The rhythms in music will make your body want to move. Dancing appeals to us on a primal level. Let your body go! Teach yourself to have fun with a work out by adding dance and music to an otherwise boring routine. Listening to music helps you forget that you are exercising, thus allowing you to spend more time working out.

Bring your friends along on your exercise routine! Make your workout a social event. Working out with people you like can make it fun. When you are working out with a friend, time will pass much more quickly. Having someone come along is motivating. When you are working out with a friend, it can be very fun.

Try using video games that are designed to be a workout. These games help to keep your mind busy while you are working out and this helps you last longer and preform better. Video games are a great resource for creative ways to increase fitness and lose weight. When it is fun, you can spend more time exercising!

It is much more enjoyable to go to the gym if you are happy and look great when you are exercising. Invest in a few nice workout outfits that will complement your physique and that feel comfortable. Be sure you choose items that you enjoy wearing, and ones that make you enthusiastic about working out more often.

Doing the same exercises day in and day out is boring, and you will quickly find yourself losing motivation. This is why having a variety of exercises to select from each week is important. For example, if you typically run, consider bicycling or using a rowing machine. In order to stay motivated you need to vary your routine. It will keep you from becoming bored.

Whenever you achieve a fitness goal, do not forget to give yourself a little reward. A small reward that you enjoy is a great incentive to keep working out. Your reward can be simple. You do not have to get outrageous with your ideas or blow your budget. A reward should motivate you and keep you focused on your goals. For example, you could treat yourself to a film you have been wanting to see or purchase a new pair of jeans.

Working out does not have to feel like work. In these modern times there are several different ways in which you can make your workout routine an enjoyable daily activity. The guideline provided below will help you establish a plan that you find fun and interesting but that will also get to healthy.

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