HOME "300" WORKOUT (Bodyweight Only!!)

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Get 6 weeks of completely bodyweight workouts here!

The 300 workout is definitely one of the most popular workouts you can do to get the ripped, athletic physique associated with the cast of the 300 movies. The good news is you don't have to be Gerard Butler to get his abs, or have access to his gym to do this workout. The reason is...this 300 workout can be done entirely at home without equipment.

All you'll need is a single pull-up bar to perform this home bodyweight 300 workout. Before you worry about whether you are up to the challenge of trying this, you can rest easy. I put up separate beginner and advanced versions of this bodyweight home workout program.

The exercises in this 300 workout are as follows:


- Seated Knee Tucks x 40
- 1 Arm Inverted Chinups x 10 left
- 1 Arm Inverted Chinups x 10 right
- Pushups x 40
- Single Leg Heel Touch Squats x 20 left
- Single Leg Heel Touch Squats x 20 right
- Squat Thrusts x 40
- Mountain Climbers x 40 (right/left = 1 rep)
- Box Jumps x 20
- Bicycle Crunches x 40
- Wall Plant Cross Knee Planks x 20


- Hanging Bat Crunches x 40
- 1 Arm Chinups x 10 left
- 1 Arm Chinups x 10 right
- Tornado Pushups x 40
- Pistol Squats x 10 left
- Pistol Squats x 10 right
- Skier Single Leg Burpees x 40
- Power Plank ups or the elbows in pushups x 20
- Mountain Mules x 40 (3 mountain climbers between each kick)
- Ninja Box Jumps x 20
- V Up Twists x 40
- Dorm Room Destroyers x 20

Most people think that doing body weight workouts causes you to lose muscle or at least not add new muscle. That's wrong. This no equipment version of the 300 spartan workout may be harder than almost every other version of the work out.

Take your shot at the home 300 bodyweight workout and see how fast you can complete the challenge. Upload a video of yourself performing the workout if you dare!

For a complete bodyweight only workout program that you can do at home be sure to visit http://athleanx.com/xero and get the ATHLEAN XERO program. No bands, no bench, no bar, no bull!

For more bodyweight workout videos like this 300 workout, and for advice on diet and nutrition be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at http://youtube.com/user/jdcav24

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When you do not meet your expectations you might feel less motivated. There are many enjoyable workout options available. Look at these different ways to begin your weight loss program.

Music has an almost magical quality that gets even the most sedentary people moving. How easy is it for you to stand still when you hear a great beat? Not having music in your workout is almost a crime. Pop in a CD, load your favorite playlist onto your iPod, or listen to the radio and dance the weight away! Music can lift your spirits and give you the extra push you need to follow through with your fitness goals.

Exercising is easier with a friend! Having someone to chat with while you are exercising makes your workout go by faster. Both you and your friend will be amazed at the rapid weight loss you experience.

The newer workout programs based on a video game controller are worth serious consideration. Video games can keep your mind off of the fatigue that can build up during exercise. If you focus on the game, you will not pay so much attention to how tired your body is. You will find that you do not get as tired as you normally do, and this way you will be able to get in a bit more exercise.

You should purchase new workout clothes that will look great on you. Purchasing a new wardrobe for yourself will drive you to lose the weight, since you want to wear your new clothes. Have fun picking out a great looking outfit for yourself. As soon as you don them, your new exercise clothes will inspire you to start exerting yourself.

Doing the same workout routine all the time can quickly become quite boring. If you view your exercise routine as drudgery, you are unlikely to remain committed to it. If you regularly make adjustments to your workout, it'll be easy to remain enthused and engaged. Don't sabotage yourself by allowing yourself to lose interest and stop. If you slack off for even a little while, it may be hard to get going again.

Rewarding yourself is a great motivational tool that you can incorporate into your weight loss regimen. The reward does not have to be large. You can choose to have a very small portion of a beloved dessert, or treat yourself to a new piece of clothing. Whatever form your reward might take, make sure it tickles your fancy and gives you delight. Motivation is the key to success.

Who says a fitness regime can't be exciting and even enjoyable? With a good frame of mind and a positive approach, you will have a lot of fun. Change your views towards getting fit by keeping a positive attitude.

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