Gentle Hip Opening Flow w/Adee

3:49 PM The Bitcoinist 0 Comments

Flow with me to a series of dynamic movements and holds for an effective stretch into the hip rotators. Listen to your body, do what feels good to you - and breath. :)

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[Flow With Adee] I am a registered yoga teacher with a B.S. in Exercise Physiology. Movement is essential to a happy, healthy lifestyle and I believe there is a form of movement for everyone. With roots in dance, much of my yoga is free flowing and therefore looks different on every body. That is the beauty of it! Allow your body to MOVE YOU. I hope my classes can provide you some peace and a time to tune in to your body and let go. xx



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Music Credit:
Infinite Perspective by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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A Simple But Effective Guide To Lose Belly Fat After 30, 40, 50 and Above
Without the proper motivation, many people do not meet their weight loss goals. Some of them just don't know how. Fortunately, there are so many ways to make working out more fun. Here are some tips and ideas to get you started in the right direction.

Using music in a workout routine is a great way to make it fun. You will have sustained energy and enthusiasm by listening to a series of pulsating, rhythmic tunes. Music will really help get you moving and improve your workouts. By listening to music you love, you will not be focused on the workout but on the fun, infectious music.

Bring a willing friend along with you to exercise. Not only will you stay connected with your friends, but you will also benefit by staying fit. Friends make exercise less of a chore. Exercising can be a blast when you are with a friend.

Interactive fitness games can be excellent supplements to your current workout regime. Doing this will help you to have a good time instead of worrying about the workout. Fun is the fuel for workouts. If you're high on fun, you won't get tired and will be able to work out for much longer.

Find and purchase exercise clothes that flatter your figure. If you dress in workout attire, you will be more motivated to exercise. Workout clothing can be a little more costly, but the variety of styles and colors available makes it worthwhile and can really add to the fun factor in your workout routines.

Because boredom is common when exercising, switch up your routine each day. Keeping your workouts fresh is the key to staving off boredom and maintaining your interest. It's vital to maintain your dedication. If you lose interest in your exercise program, then that could lead to quitting. Once you stop, it becomes a whole lot more difficult to restart.

Once you reach your fitness goals, reward yourself. Doing so provides the motivation you need to sustain your commitment. Give yourself a simple reward for making your weight loss goal. This can be a new item of clothing, a book, an addition to your hobby collection, or a sinfully sweet dessert. Make sure you can afford and get the rewards you choose. This way you will have a quick return on rewarding yourself for a job well done.

While you have to do chores everyday, working out should not be one of them. Look for ways to make your exercise routine so much fun that you look forward to doing it. The tips in this article will make your workouts more entertaining.

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