Dr. Fishman's Method - 12 Poses vs Osteporosis

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12 Poses to counter Osteporosis that were used in Dr. Loren Fishman's study, Twelve-Minute Daily Yoga Regimen Reverses Osteoporotic Bone Loss (http://bit.ly/2cqWCJT) and referenced in the NY Times article from December 2015 (http://nyti.ms/1OhEgFC). For best results, please find a certified teacher.

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Motivation is a key factor in determining the success of any fitness regime. You must establish realistic goals and stay enthusiastic about meeting those goals. An important goal worth noting, is to make sure your exercise is fun. Make the idea of exercise rewarding rather than disdaining. Consider adding a few of the following strategies to keep your fitness plan focused.

Music can magically get your body moving. No can resist moving their feet to a catchy beat or singing along to their favorite tunes. You really need to incorporate music you enjoy into your exercise program. Pop in a CD, load your favorite playlist onto your iPod, or listen to the radio and dance the weight away! Music is a powerful motivator and will help you keep at your workout routine and get your body in shape.

Bring a willing friend along with you to exercise. This is a wonderful way to spend time with your friends, and you will both reap the rewards. Working out with a buddy can make exercising a lot more enjoyable. When you have a friend to work out with, you will be constantly delighted and surprised by the fun you will experience.

If you can take your focus off of the exercise, the routine may go by faster. One option to consider if you have a video gaming console is fitness-orientated games. You will find a wide variety of these types of games. You are likely to enjoy the easy movements of a virtual bowling, baseball, or tennis game. Maybe boxing a virtual opponent would be to your liking? The choices are plenty, and the potential for mindless weight loss is high.

Invest in clothes that make you feel good about yourself. This is a great way to motivate yourself. There are tons of different styles and colors of workout attire available. You can have fun choosing an outfit that looks good and expresses your personality while you work out. Wearing this apparel will give you the drive to work out.

To keep yourself from getting bored, change up your exercise routine often. You must make sure you stay motivated so you won't quit your exercise routine. You will not lose interest in your routine if you keep it interesting. You don't want to lose interest because if you stop your routine, starting back up can be a real challenge.

When you reach fitness goals, give yourself rewards. Rewards are a powerful driver to help you reach your goals. Your reward does not have to be expensive or complicated. Buy yourself a flattering new top, or indulge yourself with a dessert that you've been denying yourself for months. Do not set your goals too high or you will get discouraged.

Exercising doesn't need to be tedious; it's okay to have a little fun with it. The tricks in this paper will help you make your workouts more fun.

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